Monday, June 14, 2010

Proofreading and editing

1. After arriving in Brisbane, I can remember the first couple of months were the most difficult for me.
2. After this surge of power absorbed the pain.
3. What if I ran too slow?

1. We proceeded in the direction of the shop. Although, when we arrived, the owner wouldn't let us get any chips.

2. As there were limited facilities or modern technology, I had to find another way to amuse myself.

3. My parents took me to the hospital immediately late that night. It was there I was given morphine to relieve the pain.

4. The 200kg machine kept going through, correcting itself as if it was mocking them, landed three metres away and skidded to a halt.

5. He told himself it wasn't over yet, only the trials were.

6. The celebrations died down as the team realised that was only one of the matches and that this next match up was going to throw a hit at us.

7. The nerves began to kick in. The feelings of nervousness and excitement in being a woman but also the confusion.

Adverb Placement
1. "Arnold, we finally got you.", he replied simply.
2. My anger grew slowly.
3. I alerted Mum again.

Use of fullstops
1. In the distance I saw a sign. I squinted at the sign, feeling a sense of accomplishment.
2. I'm a trained pharmacist. I think I know what to do for an injury.
3. "It's time. Let's do it."

Punctuation of dialogue
1. Your cox yells at you, "We've done it, It's ours. Push once more."
2. "I can't believe we paid so much to come to this hole.", said Melinda

Use of which, that, who
1. Their instructor was a distant cousin who knew the countryside.
2. I seek to be noticed and to impress all people which are around me.

Monday, May 31, 2010


It's hard to truly define Gonzo Journalism. Whilst some believe it is the use of both fact and fiction in order to create an engaging story for the reader, others believe it involves getting involved in a news story your covering and becoming part of it, perhaps even the story itself. Whichever definition you choose, Gonzo journalism can be seen as one of the most radical and controversial forms of journalism that has risen over the past few decades. The man responsible for the birth of this new genre of journalism is journalist, Hunter S. Thompson.

His novel "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream." documents two trips Thompson took to Las Vegas, writing for Rolling Stone magazine. These two trips resulted in the basis of the novel in which the characters, Raoul Duke and his attorney, Dr. Gonzo, who travel to Vegas in order to report on a motorbike race, eventually abandon their project and experiment with drugs which causes a series of bizarre hallucinogenic trips detailed in the book. Thompson uses a lot of creative licences throughout the novel, providing a fictional framework for factual events. The book was later adapted into a film.!v=Z-mLuLnN2xw&feature=related

In Gonzo Journalism, journalists tends to favor style over accuracy and often uses personal experiences and emotions to provide context for the topic or event being covered. It disregards the 'polished' edited product favored by newspaper media and strives for the gritty factor. Use of quotations, sarcasm, humor, exaggeration, and profanity is common.

Gonzo Journalism nowadays is still a relatively controversial and risky form of journalism this is why it is rarely seen in most print media. Broadcast and online media however have seen a resurgence in the genre. Documentaries by Micheal Moore and Morgan Spurlock demonstrate a heavy use of Gonzo aesthetic with excessive use of satire and humour in their documentaries and also getting intimately involved in the story they were covering. With technology opening-up new avenues of expression, The internet is also host to a large amount of weblogs dedicated to Gonzo Journalism.

This would be the easiest way to gain a career in this field. Starting a blog and utilizing the techniques of Gonzo Journalism in order to gain a name for yourself and then applying at various publications. A degree isn't necessary but it is certainly beneficial when applying to larger media outlets.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Post 5

Bloggers are people that write and contribute to an online web log or blog. Blog's are usually focused on one particular area of information. Nowadays, blog's have become a large source of entertainment and cultural news amongst the public. Blogs can also be faster on reporting particular new's stories and have also pointed out flaws in other outlets of news media. The main sources of information most bloggers utilise are forums and discussion boards. There has been some dispute as to whether Bloggers should be truly regarded as fully fledged journalists due to their standards and proffessional practices. There is also a large backing of the claim that blog writers are usually less biased as they are usually freelance reporters and are less prone to commercial or otherwise influence.

Due to the demand for various outlets of information on the internet and specializing blogs and websites, commentator's can also be found online. A commentator's role is to offer their own opinion on a particular field or topic. Due to the easy access to the tools of making websites and blogs on the internet, many commentator's have sprouted and started their own blog. Most modern day commentator's usually commentate on current events in the media so as to maintain readership by keeping the information they're supplying fresh and modern. In much the same way as bloggers, some scrutiny has risen as to whether online commentator's should be considered fully fledged journalist's.

News Aggregator
A news aggregator's role is to filter and compile news articles specific to a certain topic or field. The role of the news aggregator is seen as extremely beneficial as they are able to find necessary articles amongst the many unnecessary and provide the reader with what they want to read without having to rifle through several websites. News aggregator's are also seen as detrimental as they are providing with people with a narrow supply of news which could hold bias and makes people lazier. Many also feel that news aggregator's may miss major new's articles or pass them off as indecent.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010

Post 4

News Presenter
A News Presenter is a person who presents a news broadcast through radio, television or the internet. There are many different terms used for a News Presenter including News reader, News Anchor or Anchorman/woman. This person may be a Journalist as well as a compiler of the stories to be broadcasted. Before the Television era, presenters on radio-news programs would often mix news stories with personal opinion and strove for a unique style. This style of presenting news has come to be known as commentating. "Newscasters" was the term eventually used to describe presenters that broadcasted straight news story's without personal opinion. Eventually the term "News Anchor" was being used to describe news presenters in North America. These people were different from normal news readers as they would often be more heavily involved in writing the stories they were to present and would also improvise personal opinion on air.

Weather Forecaster
The weather forecasters role is to predict future weather trends, based upon reports by meteorologists, and report them through radio or television. The weather forecaster usually has a section of time devoted to their field. Weather forecasters also report on developments by natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods and tornadoes. Weather Forecasting is important to the agriculture industry and has also become very important to the public. Weather forecasters have become a commodity required by mostly all news broadcasters.

A reporter's role is to research and present information on the radio or television. Reporters gather their information in a variety of ways and perform research through interviews, public records, and other sources. The gathering of information part of the job is sometimes called "reporting" as distinct from the production part of the job, such as writing articles. Reporters usually split their time between working in a newsroom and going out to witness events or interview people. Most reporters that work for major news media outlets are usually assigned an area to focus on.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Post 3

1. Editor
The Editor's role is to edit
draft material in order to make it suitable for publication. They usually deal in correcting spelling and grammar plus looking at the accuracy, fairness and taste of stories set to be published. They may also be required to check certain facts and also rewrite certain pieces of information. All facets of the Print Media require an Editor. It is such a pivotal role that there are usually many different editor's enlisted by a company who are usually governed by an Editor in Chief or Executive Editor who's responsible for all material that is to be published.

2. Columnist
The Columnist's work is to write for a publication in a series. They are are usually strongly opinionated and also focus on a specific field of interest or expertise. They also usually appear on a daily basis in their repected outlet, usually appearing daily or weekly. There are a number of different areas of column writing including Advice, Gossip and Humour Columnists. Some columnists have come to celebrity status, being the sole reason why some people buy their respected publication. Most printed media outlets have very few columnists.

3. Critic
A critic's role is to critique certain forms of art for publication. Critic's can assess films, art, music, television and books. This is usually to give the reader an informed choice when it comes to art. Critic's have become a large part in modern publications, usually with whole sections devoted to art critiquement. Not unlike the Editor, Most printed media outlets also have a large amount of critic's employed in order to offer a varied opinion and also deal with the large amount of films, television and books required to review..

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

With a suitably DIY poster to boot.!/event.php?eid=370501251607