Monday, June 14, 2010

Proofreading and editing

1. After arriving in Brisbane, I can remember the first couple of months were the most difficult for me.
2. After this surge of power absorbed the pain.
3. What if I ran too slow?

1. We proceeded in the direction of the shop. Although, when we arrived, the owner wouldn't let us get any chips.

2. As there were limited facilities or modern technology, I had to find another way to amuse myself.

3. My parents took me to the hospital immediately late that night. It was there I was given morphine to relieve the pain.

4. The 200kg machine kept going through, correcting itself as if it was mocking them, landed three metres away and skidded to a halt.

5. He told himself it wasn't over yet, only the trials were.

6. The celebrations died down as the team realised that was only one of the matches and that this next match up was going to throw a hit at us.

7. The nerves began to kick in. The feelings of nervousness and excitement in being a woman but also the confusion.

Adverb Placement
1. "Arnold, we finally got you.", he replied simply.
2. My anger grew slowly.
3. I alerted Mum again.

Use of fullstops
1. In the distance I saw a sign. I squinted at the sign, feeling a sense of accomplishment.
2. I'm a trained pharmacist. I think I know what to do for an injury.
3. "It's time. Let's do it."

Punctuation of dialogue
1. Your cox yells at you, "We've done it, It's ours. Push once more."
2. "I can't believe we paid so much to come to this hole.", said Melinda

Use of which, that, who
1. Their instructor was a distant cousin who knew the countryside.
2. I seek to be noticed and to impress all people which are around me.

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