Wednesday, March 31, 2010

With a suitably DIY poster to boot.!/event.php?eid=370501251607


Monday, March 22, 2010

Post 2

The print media is slowly dying.

This is through no fault of itself it has just become outdated when held up against new emerging techniques of publishing news stories.

The impact of the internet has been great on the news media industry. Blogs have become one of the worlds biggest sources of informations over the space of a few years, providing up to date coverage which newspapers just can't provide. Blogs often also hold important news stories often overlooked by major news outlets making them a great source for more obscure news stories. Blogs can also hold specialized stories targeted towards certain people such as music and film blogs.

It is now widely held knowledge that Internet coverage is often faster and more ahead of traditional print media sources. It is only a matter of years before the inevitable phasing out of newspapers and magazines to make way for online media to become the number one news source all over the world.

News Media Industry

The term "News Media Industry" refers to mass media released everyday which informs the general public to current news articles.

The News Media Industry encompasses all outlets of journalism including printed, broadcast, and online news. For many years newspapers were the publics primary source of information but this has given way in recent years to more modern techniques such as radio, television and online coverage of news events.

Different publications publish different types of stories. A major newspaper like The Daily Telegraph would be dominated by tabloid news stories whilst a magazine like Adbusters would publish more obscure stories directed at more left wing readers.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Shark Article

After being attacked by a shark at Bronte Beach, a surfer returned to the water an hour later.

Whilst surfing 40 metres offshore at 6:30 on a Saturday morning, surfer Simon Letch encountered a 1.5 metre shark.

"I was just about to turn and sit on the board when this shark just clamped onto the front of it," Letch said. He quickly slipped to the back of the board and "then fed it some more board which it took a bite at."

The shark lost interest and Mr Letch took the opportunity to paddle away and catch a wave to the beach.

He said the shark was of a bronze colour and its fin had a black stripe.

"You'd think you'd turn to jelly when something like this happened but I was suprisingly calm," Mr Letch said.

An hour later, Mr Letch, an illustrator with the Sydney Morning Herald was back in the water on one of his other surfboards.

His board has sutained two 15 centimetre bite marks which Simon plans to repair so he can continue using the board.

An hour after the incident, more than twenty surfers headed back to catch the early morning waves.

Numerical Imbeciles

It's hard to walk down any street nowadays and not notice "*Insert Postcode Here* Rulez!" or "*Insert Postcode Here* Sucks!" tags scrawled onto any blank surface of a city wall. These are the Illawarra's gangs pride and joy, these small excerpts wrought with tremendous wit and insight.

So are these gangs as.....? I really don't care at all. They are crimes of a minature scale. All our local gangs seem capable of is vandalising shop walls and partaking in petty theft from supermarkets. It is of little harm to the community other than decreasing the aesthetic appeal of certain buildings. I've heard little to no stories of extreme circumstances. No murders, no muggings, nothing of great importance. Mostly the members of these gangs are just adolescents expressing their teen angst through scrawling their postcode in a public area.

It can get serious in some circumstances though.

In June of last year, a 17 year old was severely beaten with his face requiring reconstructive surgery. Even though this is incredibly severe, this seems to be the worst example of gang violence in the Illawarra.

Also, it is often the case that many gang attacks are provoked rather than random acts of violence against unrelated individuals. I honestly feel that the media exagerate many of their stories in order to provoke a reaction and sell papers.

True yellow journalism.

I truly believe that none of these gangs really are fully fledged gangs. They are just a group of teenagers with similar interests who perform miniscule acts of crime for the sheer thrill of it. Sure they may not be the smartest of people but who cares. I think the police are taking the matter too close to heart and should just leave these youths be.

Two gunned down in unprovoked gang attack.

Police are currently on the lookout for
four criminals after the unprovoked
murder of two men in The Rocks, Sydney
on the weekend.
The two men, aged 24 and 25,
were fired upon at least 20 times from semi automatic
hand guns at close range.
There is speculation that the murders were
gang related and police fear an outbreak
of gangland war in the Sydney area.

NSW opposition leader, John Brogden,
has accused the government of allowing
gun crime to escalate.

"Bob Carr has run out of excuses," Brogden claimed.
"His policing strategies aren't working when criminals
think shooting people in highly populated tourist
areas is easy."
Anti-firearm lobby groups have
called onto the government to restrict the
spread of illegal guns in Sydney.
Tyler Heycott

"Innocence Lost: Gang related double homicide in gated community."