Monday, March 8, 2010

Shark Article

After being attacked by a shark at Bronte Beach, a surfer returned to the water an hour later.

Whilst surfing 40 metres offshore at 6:30 on a Saturday morning, surfer Simon Letch encountered a 1.5 metre shark.

"I was just about to turn and sit on the board when this shark just clamped onto the front of it," Letch said. He quickly slipped to the back of the board and "then fed it some more board which it took a bite at."

The shark lost interest and Mr Letch took the opportunity to paddle away and catch a wave to the beach.

He said the shark was of a bronze colour and its fin had a black stripe.

"You'd think you'd turn to jelly when something like this happened but I was suprisingly calm," Mr Letch said.

An hour later, Mr Letch, an illustrator with the Sydney Morning Herald was back in the water on one of his other surfboards.

His board has sutained two 15 centimetre bite marks which Simon plans to repair so he can continue using the board.

An hour after the incident, more than twenty surfers headed back to catch the early morning waves.

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